Spectacular fascist dagger for the ONB (opera nazionale balilla) complete with original zebra-print sheath
Rare German M17 FREIKORPS helmet cod frek
Splendid fascist hat for an official of the Ministry of Finance cod. RMF102
Beautiful German WW2 Luftwaffe Fallschirmjager Submariner Cap cod fl41lw
Very rare Nazi knife from the transitional Hitlerjugend Fahrtenmesser with motto model code RZM M7 / 13, Arthur Schüttelhofer & Co. from Solingen-Wald. Schutt code
Nice germany ww2 pioneer cap cod
rarest fascist knife for mutilati legion Cod mutbronz
RAREST italian Fascist cup for italian royal air force cod copra
HeadGears Tropical Pith Helmets
From the attic, Italian colonial helmet, aeronautical direction cod racdak
Extremely rare colonial helmet for a high officer of the 132nd century of the Black Shirts
Spectacular Intoccato rare Italian colonial helmet from the Regia Aeronautica cod ramint
Rare helmet of the municipal police of Rome of the thirties of the first type cod Urbe
Very rare 20s colonial Italian tropical helmet by CACCIATORE D'AFRICA cod sedak
Intoccato raro casco coloniale italiano da truppa della Regia Areonautica cod racol
Rare Italian colonial helmet as a Bersaglieri officer cod beruffi
Splendid colonial helmet mod 26 of the 10 RGT bersaglieri cod xbersa
Very rare Italian colonial helmet from the non-officer of the REAL CARABINIERI cod scsot
Spectacular colonial helmet Italian official of the 27th field artillery regiment (Etiopia 1935/1936) cod ar27uf
Fascinating Italian colonial pith helmet for cavalry cod cavcol
Beautiful well 'rare pith helmet Italian PAI (Italian police africa) cod ccpai
Beautiful Italian colonial pith helmet belonged to a soldier of the colonial infantry battalion XXII in very good condition and very complete cod XXIICOL