Spectacular fascist dagger for the ONB (opera nazionale balilla) complete with original zebra-print sheath
Rare German M17 FREIKORPS helmet cod frek
Splendid fascist hat for an official of the Ministry of Finance cod. RMF102
Beautiful German WW2 Luftwaffe Fallschirmjager Submariner Cap cod fl41lw
Very rare Nazi knife from the transitional Hitlerjugend Fahrtenmesser with motto model code RZM M7 / 13, Arthur Schüttelhofer & Co. from Solingen-Wald. Schutt code
Nice germany ww2 pioneer cap cod
rarest fascist knife for mutilati legion Cod mutbronz
RAREST italian Fascist cup for italian royal air force cod copra
Untouched Luftwaffe officer\\\'s dagger of the first type (bordelch) cod bord36
Ultra rare untouched German dagger for luftwaffe officer of the second type of the manufacturer prod Alcoso cod ALC39
Very complete wermacht officer's dagger with rare cod whdolcaran coupling
Splendid Luftwaffe officer's dagger of the first type (bordolch) cod dolchlw36
Rare Nazi dagger of the second type with RzM of the SA (STURMABTEILUNG) cod RZM7 / 36
Splendid German dagger m33 of the first type of the SS ex rohm prod. Boeker with military registration number cod boekerohm
Spectac and rare German dagger as an officer of the second type luftwaffe with WaA prod. SMF cod Magnific
German dagger of the first type luftwaffe prod. Paul wWeyersberg no .pw2
Spectacular rare WW2 German dagger from WEHRMACHT officer yellow handle complete with hooks and portpee manufacturer TIGER cod tig2
Rare Nazi dagger of the motorized troops N.S.K.K. Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrkorps of the first type cod nskkprime
Splendid German dagger as an officer of the heer ww2 prod. WKC no 1941bis
Beautiful and rare Nazi dagger of the SA first type m33 rare manufacturer TIGER of Solingen cod supertiger
Spectacular Untouched and rare German dagger as an officer of the second type luftwaffe prod SMF cod king
Gorgeous and very rare SA Nazi dagger of the first type m33 prod PUMA cod puma