Spectacular fascist dagger for the ONB (opera nazionale balilla) complete with original zebra-print sheath
Rare German M17 FREIKORPS helmet cod frek
Splendid fascist hat for an official of the Ministry of Finance cod. RMF102
Beautiful German WW2 Luftwaffe Fallschirmjager Submariner Cap cod fl41lw
Very rare Nazi knife from the transitional Hitlerjugend Fahrtenmesser with motto model code RZM M7 / 13, Arthur Schüttelhofer & Co. from Solingen-Wald. Schutt code
Nice germany ww2 pioneer cap cod
rarest fascist knife for mutilati legion Cod mutbronz
RAREST italian Fascist cup for italian royal air force cod copra
Decorations Crosses and Medals
Very rare medal for civil valor for the Messina earthquake code va1
Beautiful cross from Knight Officer of the Order of the Crown of Italy of the Umbertino period in gold, with its original box. cod cavumb
Rare silver medal for valor with box and certificate granted to an Italian officer who died in the trenches on Mount castellaccio in the Great War cod mvarg
rare military medal bronze Red Cross 1864 1914 Merit humanitarian Austro-Hungarian Empire World War cod redau
Beautiful Austrian military medal of the Great War
The Cross of Merit of the Austrian iron crown cod Aufer
The Austrian Cross of Merit with silver crown (version in use from 1860 to 1916).