Extremely rare Italian bag from a major of the 2 Alpine regt WWII. Cod al2pin
Extremely rare Italian packet from a major of the glorious 2 Alpine regt WWII. A brief historical mention of this rare relic is a must .. On July 26, 1942 the train convoys destined to transport the Cuneense Division to the Russian front begin to depart from Borgo San Dalmazzo (in total there will be 52 convoys) for a duration of 13 days of travel. The 2nd regiment was used to be deployed in the Caucasus but was instead deployed on the banks of the Don River, fought in the bloody battles of Novo Kalitwa, Rossosch, Annowka, Popowka and Novo Postojalowka.
Only 3 officers, 10 non-commissioned officers and 195 graduates and Alpini returned, for his heroic sacrifice of lives the regiment was awarded the gold medal for military valor ...
The bag is in more than good general conditions and all rigorously exhibited at the origin, the patina on the front trophy and on the side degree is splendid. MUSEUM piece